General Information
For the first in-person meeting after the pandemic, the International Committee of Architectural Critics is meeting in Copenhagen. To permit as many CICA members to participate, all events will be offered free of charge via Zoom too. Please use the following link:
Meeting ID: 849 1875 7465
Passcode: 974590
General Topic
Goodbye to Consumer Culture – Learning from the Real World
Consumer Culture has run its destructive course in all fields of life, including conventional, northwestern hemispherical dominated, image mediated architecture. Like the devastating effects of the fashion clothing industry, in which destitute people – predominantly women and children – are exploited to produce unrealistically cheap garments for the spoilt mass consumers of the rich countries, so conventionally designed and produced architecture is still vying for media attention through what is considers to be «innovative» appearances.
In contrast to this part of the world, the real world has to make do with few resources. Alternative architectural practices are working mostly outside the lime lit centres of conspicuous consumption to create dignified environments for ordinary people, whether these be for the securing of clean water, universal education and health, or housing.
Often, these alternative architectural practices are also structured differently from the «named» offices. Intelligent use of scarce resources, regionally sources materials and the involvement of local skilled labour are rethought in innovative and appropriate forms and spaces. These are the case studies from the real world from which the «self-centered world» can and should learn.
Programme 1st July 2023
Public Keynote Lecture
Det Kongelige Akademi, Copenhagen
Philip de Langes Allé 10
17:00 Welcome
Prof. Dr. Morten Birk Jørgensen
Det Kongelige Akademi
General Introduction
Prof. Dr. Louise Noelle Gras
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
CICA Chair
Introduction to Session 1
Dr. h.c. Wilfried Wang
CICA Board Member
Public Keynote Lecture
Just what is it that makes contemporary architecture so different, so appealing?
Prof. Dr. Horacio Torrent
Escuela de Arquitectura, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
CICA Member
Moderator Dr. h.c. Wilfried Wang
Programme 2nd July 2023
CICA Public Keynote Lectures and Discussion
Philip de Langes Allé 10
14:00 Introduction to Session 2
Dr. h.c. Wilfried Wang
CICA Board Member
14:15 Keynote Lecture 1
Consolation beyond comfort:
How architecture can meet real needs
Dr. Rasmus Wærn
CICA Member
14:45 Keynote Lecture 2
Building with nature:
Down-to-earth contemporary architecture
Prof. Dr. Li Xiangning
Dean, College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Tongji University, Shanghai
CICA Board Member
15:15 Keynote Lecture 3
Responsive design to climate and culture
Prof. Dr. Ana Tostões
Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa
CICA Member
16:00 Discussion
Moderator Dr. h.c. Wilfried Wang
17:00 Reception