Photo: Anthony Browell
Jennifer Taylor (1935-2015) was an architect and scholar known primarily for her publications on contemporary Australian, Japanese and South Pacific architecture. She was an Australian by birth but spent much of her life in Europe, America and Asia. She graduated B.Arch. (1967) and M.Arch (1969) from the University of Washington, Seattle, and she taught in many architectural schools throughout the world. Appointed to the University of Sydney from 1970-1998 and at present is at the Queensland University of Technology. Founding member of ICOMOS (Australia), DOCOMOMO (Australia0, and the Australian Architectural Association (AAA). Was extensively involved in international publications, conferences, architectural criticism, and has sat on numerous juries and competitions. Awarded the Japan Foundation Fellowship in 1975 and 1994-5. Honoured in 1998 with the inaugural RAIA Marion Mahony Griffin Award for contributions to the advancement of architecture, and in 2000 with the inaugural RAIA National Education Prize. Received the UIA Jean Tschumi Prize honourable mention for architectural criticism and architectural education in 1999. Elected to a Life Fellowship of the RAIA in 2003.
Main Publications
An Australian Identity: Houses for Sydney 1953-63, University of Sydney, Sydney, 1972 (2nd Edition, 1984)
Architecture a Performing Art, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1982, (with John Andrews)
Australian Architecture Since 1960, Law Book Company, Sydney, 1986. (2nd revised and expanded edition, R.A.I.A., 1990)
«Oceania: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the smaller islands of the South Pacific», Banister Fletcher, History of Architecture, 19th Edition, Butterworths, London, 1987, (20th Edition, London, 1995)
«Oceania» (ed.), World Architecture 1900-2000: A Critical Mosaic” Volume 10, Oceania, Springer Wien, New York, 1999
Tall Buildings 1945-1970. Australian Business Going Up, Craftsman Press, Sydney, 2001
Fumihiko Maki: Space/City/Order/Making, Berlin, Birkhäuser, 2003
Writings available on CICArchitecture
“What Is This Place Australia?” – The National Museum
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