The International Committee of Architectural Critics, CICA, is pleased to announce the signing of an agreement with the International Union of Architects, UIA.
On May the 9th, Esa Mohamed, President of UIA, and Joseph Rykwert, President of CICA, met in London at the Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA, to establish an agreement to further their relationship.
CICA, created at the 13th UIA Congress in Mexico City in 1978, inaugurated at that time a partnership with UIA that will now be broadened by working together in the bettering of the architectural profession. Habitat, sustainability, resilience and cultural heritage are the main topics that preoccupy CICA and the UIA, joining forces in the implementation of their policies, to attain architecture as expression of culture and as a human right.
lnternational Union of Architects, UlA, and lnternational Committee of Architectural Critics, CICA
PREAMBLE There has been a relationship between the UIA and the CICA, starting with the creation of this last one in 1978, in the 13th UIA Congress in Mexico City; since then, CICA has been part of all UIA Congresses.
Both organizations wish to sign an Agreement to further this relationship in the following ways:
1. CICA stated in its founding statement
– that collaboration and dialogue between the architectural profession and architectural critics should be organised on a permanent basis within the framework of the UlA.
– and believes that criticism and evaluation should be recognised as a part of the architectural process, from the program stage through to the final design details.
2. UIA and CICA agree
– to activate this relationship, invite to and acknowledge each organization at the others General Assemblies and World Congresses, provide members for each other relevant committees and work programs and to link their websites.
3. UIA and CICA
– will work together in the bettering of the architectural profession, through education and the media.
4. UIA and CICA
– will contribute to foster and offer judgement and opinion on competitions.
5. Habitat, Sustainability, Resilience and Cultural Heritage
– since these are the main topics that preoccupy CICA and the UlA, they pledge to join forces in the implementation of their policies.
6. Changes through the world
– since architecture, as expression of culture and as a human right is currently seriously challenged in various countries, CICA and UIA commit themselves to a mutual support of their members.
7. UIA and CICA
-will inform each other of all initiatives about their objects of interest.
8. Liaisons with other bodies
UlA will link with CICA, to share experiences with other bodies committees and work programmes, to further the presence of architectural awareness and criticism and of any other matter of mutual interest.
Esa Mohamed, President of UIA Joseph Rykwert, President of CICA
You can download the Press Release as a PDF below
You can download the Accord 2016 as a PDF below
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